International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 5, Part D

A regional analysis of trends in milk production in India

Author(s): Mamidala Tejasree, S Moghana Lavanya, K Mahendran, N Sriram and R Parimalarangan

Abstract: The dairy industry in India is crucial for the country's economy. Over the past 40 years, it has experienced tremendous growth in milk production, making India the largest producer and consumer of dairy products. In the present study, an attempt has been made to use secondary data for 20 years (from 2003 to 2023) to understand the growth rate in milk production across five regions of India (North, East, West, South, and Central India) and also to analyse secondary data for a period of 20 years (from 2003 to 2023). The tools employed for the analysis were the Compound Annual Growth Rate and Trend Analysis to estimate the Growth Rate and Trends in Milk Production. Out of five regions, the North Zone exhibited the highest growth rate, followed by the South Zone. The CAGR of milk production witnessed a substantial increase during the second decade (From 2014 to 2023), showing an impressive increase of 43 percent when compared to the previous decade. The Trend analysis conducted in the study revealed that Milk Production in the North Zone was significantly higher in 20 years compared to the insignificant difference seen in Delhi, Goa, and Kerala states of the North, West, and South, respectively. The study indicates that there is a significant upward trend in milk production over the specified period, as analysed using Trend Analysis. The remarkable growth rate reflects the dairy industry's capacity to expand and cater to the rising demands for milk and its products.

DOI: 10.22271/maths.2023.v8.i5Sd.1201

Pages: 244-248 | Views: 309 | Downloads: 4

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
How to cite this article:
Mamidala Tejasree, S Moghana Lavanya, K Mahendran, N Sriram, R Parimalarangan. A regional analysis of trends in milk production in India. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(5S):244-248. DOI: 10.22271/maths.2023.v8.i5Sd.1201

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics