International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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2016, Vol. 1, Issue 4, Part A

Optimisation use for the real world problem

Author(s): Priya Arora

Abstract: In this modern era proper utilization of resources is must for getting the success in the competitive environment. Now the question arises how to get the solution of these things, then the clear cut answer is with the help of optimization. Now optimization is can be done manual basis or computer basis. There is lot of complexity in the system, then the manual based solution is far away to get the success rate as desired from the optimization. Hece the only solution to get the desired optimum output is with the help of computer based optimization technique. Basically computer itself is a hardware and to get the solution for the optimization of the real world problem is with the help of algorithms, new procedures developed. Hence the objective of optimization is to provide scientific basis to a person to take the write decision to solve a problem which is the best interest of the organization. Such a solution is known as optimum solution for the intended problem. To get the optimum solution of a problem basically two different aspects are considered, one is administration and other is technical team. The coordination of the both is must for the optimum solution of a given problem.

Pages: 42-44 | Views: 1583 | Downloads: 52

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
How to cite this article:
Priya Arora. Optimisation use for the real world problem. Int J Stat Appl Math 2016;1(4):42-44.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics