2018, Vol. 3, Issue 6, Part A
Behaviour analysis of a bread making system
Author(s): Arun Kumar, Dr. Deepika Garg and Dr. Pardeep Goel
Abstract: The paper discusses the behaviour analysis of a bread making system for system parameters utilizing Regenerative Point Graphical Technique (RPGT). Taking repair & failure rates consistent. A state diagram of framework portraying the transition rates is drawn. Articulations for way probabilities, MTSF, mean sojourn times, availability, system parameters, busy period of server are determined utilizing RPGT. Behaviour analysis of system is done which might be helpful to management in maintaining up the different units of the system Tables and graphs are set up to analyzed and draw the conclusion.
Pages: 56-61 | Views: 963 | Downloads: 16Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Arun Kumar, Dr. Deepika Garg, Dr. Pardeep Goel. Behaviour analysis of a bread making system. Int J Stat Appl Math 2018;3(6):56-61.