Study of W_8-curvature tensor on Kenmotsu manifold admitting (G.T.W.C.) Generalized Tanaka webster connection
Author(s): Francis Mburu and John Wahome
Abstract: This paper deals with geometric components related to a group of curvature tensors in the Kenmotsu manifold admitting G.T.W.C are studied. We show that W_8curvature tensor concerning G.T.W.C is both a flat and an Einstein manifold. Further, we establish a relationship between β-W_8,Q.W_8=0,μ.W_8, special η -Einstein and η -Einstein manifolds.
Francis Mburu, John Wahome. Study of W_8-curvature tensor on Kenmotsu manifold admitting (G.T.W.C.) Generalized Tanaka webster connection. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(6):99-103. DOI: 10.22271/maths.2024.v9.i6b.1902