2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 3
Stability assessment of Indian mustard genotypes in north zone of India using TOPSIS technique
Author(s): Deepankar and BK Hooda
Abstract: Multi-environment trials play a critical role in choosing the best performing genotypes that are stable over several environments. In the present study, stability of 26 genotypes grown at six different environments in north zone of India have been examined using various parametric and non-parametric stability measures as the stability of genotypes revealed by different measures is generally different, researchers have some ambiguity and confusion in selection of stable genotypes. Therefore, a composite measure of stability is required for ranking genotypes on the basis of their stability. Hence TOPSIS, a multicriteria decision making technique has been used to develop composite measures based on scores of various parametric and non-parametric stability measures. For ranking of genotypes according to their stability score of composite measure has been used. The lower value of composite measure indicates higher stability. Association of composite stability measure have been studied with parametric and non-parametric measures. Among parametric measures, the Linn and Binns superiority measure showed strong positive and significant correlation and among non-parametric measures Kang’s rank sum and Yule’s modified rank sums showed strong positive and significant correlation with composite measure.
Pages: 93-102 | Views: 394 | Downloads: 10Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Deepankar, BK Hooda. Stability assessment of Indian mustard genotypes in north zone of India using TOPSIS technique. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(3S):93-102.