Livestock production and growth in Telangana: A district wise analysis
Author(s): Ajay Anto Soy, Josily Samuel, K Suhasini, T Lavanya and BMK Raju
Abstract: India has the world’s largest livestock population and Telangana is the eighth largest state in livestock population in the country. Telangana state also exhibited second highest population growth rate over the previous livestock census. Considering the substantial share in state Gross Domestic Product (4.86%) and sub sectoral contribution (49.73% in primary sector) of livestock sector, the objective of study was to analyse the species wise trends of livestock across districts of Telangana state. The district wise secondary data of population of cattle, buffalo, goat and sheep extracted from the livestock censuses from 2003 to 2019 were used in the study. The relative importance of different livestock species among the major livestock producing districts of Telangana were elicited. Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) was utilised to investigate the growth and performance of livestock production in Telangana. Mahabubnagar district ranked first in total livestock population as well as in sheep population and second in buffalo population. A positive percentage growth was observed for buffalo, sheep and goat whereas, cattle population showed a negative growth rate over the previous livestock census. The CAGR for buffalo, sheep and goat population was observed to be positive (1.61%, 16.09% and 12.94% respectively) whereas cattle population exhibited negative CAGR (-5.68%). In regard of the declining population of cattle during the study period, specific policy intervention should be made for supporting the cattle farmers. Promotional and extension activities may be stimulated for the export of meat, as the small ruminant production registered a positive growth in the study period.
Ajay Anto Soy, Josily Samuel, K Suhasini, T Lavanya, BMK Raju. Livestock production and growth in Telangana: A district wise analysis. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(4S):08-12. DOI: 10.22271/maths.2023.v8.i4Sa.1031