International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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NAAS Journal

2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 4

Study of socio-economic status of the farmers in the command area of west Banas irrigation project

Author(s): Er. Alok Kumar and Dr. Mahesh Kothari

Abstract: Socio-economic status of the farmers was studied through a sample survey and concluded that the maximum sample farmers (34.38 percent) were having 5 family members and minimum (3.62 percent) were having 2 family members in the command of West Banas Canal. Maximum sample farmers had (45.87 per cent) Primary education level. 4.51 percent of total family members were on service in government and private organizations in nearly cities or villages. The Sample farmers were having 1.78 cows per family and 1.36 Buffaloes per family. Based on financial study directed on complete 150 family from the order of the Right Main Canal, it could be alluded as a rule that despite the fact that the agribusiness is the principle control of the ranchers who are generally ancestral, their schooling standard and expectation for everyday comforts were exceptionally low and, in this way, the ranchers didn't know about new advancements of cultivating. Cost of development of wheat, Barley, gram, and mustard crops were found as Rs. 29,603.00, Rs. 27,827.00, Rs. 22,284.00 and Rs. 22,797.00 per hectare separately and net advantages acquired from these yields were Rs. 14,497, Rs. 14,223, Rs. 15,616 and Rs. 19,503 for every hectare. For these yields were found in the examination region. The example of responsibility for shows that the normal number of bovines in the order zone was discovered 1.78 per family. The normal bison were assessed 1.36 per family in the order territory. Cultivating as a significant occupation can be supported by the presence of an almost twofold number of draft creatures than family. The efficiency in the zone is normal or sub optimal in light of utilizing low contributions by the ranchers in the order region. Every one of these circumstances of the ranchers prompts the route that there is a requirement for broad communication between water system, agrarian and augmentation exercises with the ranchers for use of land and water assets to improve their farming returns.

Pages: 399-403 | Views: 355 | Downloads: 1

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How to cite this article:
Er. Alok Kumar, Dr. Mahesh Kothari. Study of socio-economic status of the farmers in the command area of west Banas irrigation project. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(4S):399-403.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics