International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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NAAS Journal

2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 4

Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of linseed in Chhattisgarh plain

Author(s): Prashant Singh, TD Pandey, RB Tiwari, Yushma Sao and NK Chaure

An experiment entitled “Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of linseed in Chhattisgarh plain” was conducted at Research Farm of Barrister Thakur Chhedilal College of Agriculture and Research Station, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh during Rabi season of 2019-20. The linseed variety Chhattisgarh Alsi-1 (RLC-133) was used to grown on 9th November 2019 using experimental design of randomized block design” (RBD) with three replication and nine treatments viz., T1:- 100% RDF, T2:- 75% RDF + 25% Nutrients through FYM, T3:- 50% RDF + 50% Nutrients through FYM, T4:- 100% RDF+20 kg sulphur ha-1, T5:- 75% RDF + 25% Nutrients through FYM + 20 kg sulphur ha-1, T6:- 50% RDF + 50% Nutrients through FYM+ 20 kg sulphur ha-1, T7:- 100% RDF + 30 kg sulphur ha-1, T8:- 75% RDF + 25% Nutrients through FYM + 30 kg sulphur ha-1, T9:- 50% RDF + 50% Nutrients through FYM + 30 kg sulphur ha-1. The result of experiment reveals that pre harvest observation viz., plant height (cm), number of branches plant-1 and post harvest observation viz., dry matter plant-1, number of capsule plant-1, seed yield (q ha-1), stover yield (q ha-1), harvest index (%) were observed significantly higher under treatment T7 (100% RDF + 30,kg sulphur ha-1) in linseed crop cultivated in Chhattisgarh plain. The treatment (T3), 50% RDF+ 50 nutrients through FYM showed significantly lower values for all the above parameters.

Pages: 424-426 | Views: 409 | Downloads: 3

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How to cite this article:
Prashant Singh, TD Pandey, RB Tiwari, Yushma Sao, NK Chaure. Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth and yield of linseed in Chhattisgarh plain. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(4S):424-426.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics