2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 6
Gender empowerment in agriculture: Profile characteristics of farm women and men in Telangana state
Author(s): Anisa Roohi, K Aruna, B Savitha and I Shakuntala Devi
Abstract: The present study was conducted in Nizamabad, Siddipet and Vikarabad districts of Telangana state to study the Gender Empowerment in Agriculture: Profile Characteristics of Farm Women and men. A total of 180 respondents (90 farm women and 90 farm men) were randomly selected for the study. Ex-post-facto research design was used for the present study. It was found that among farm women majority of the farm women fell under middle age category (43.33%), had primary school education (32.22%), with medium family size (52.22%), landless (64.45%) and marginal landholding (30.00%) medium farming experience (41.11%), medium extension agency contact (45.56%), low organizational participation (46.67%), medium information seeking behavior (52.22%), participated once in trainings (54.40%), low marketing behavior (41.11%), medium level of drudgery (52.22%), low farm machinery usage (48.89%) and medium risk taking ability (53.33%) . Majority of the farm men fell under middle age category (46.67%), had middle school education (28.89%), with medium family size (52.22%), small landholding (40.00%), medium farming experience (42.22%) medium extension agency contact (46.67%), medium organizational participation (56.67%), high information seeking behavior (45.56%), participated twice in trainings (56.67%), high marketing behavior (56.67%), low level of drudgery (57.78%), medium farm machinery usage (51.11%) and high risk taking ability (57.78%).
DOI: 10.22271/maths.2023.v8.i6Se.1399Pages: 357-361 | Views: 379 | Downloads: 6Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Anisa Roohi, K Aruna, B Savitha, I Shakuntala Devi.
Gender empowerment in agriculture: Profile characteristics of farm women and men in Telangana state. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(6S):357-361. DOI: