2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 6
Perception of soybean growers towards climate change
Author(s): Pandhiri Kruparani, Chinchmalatpure UR and Sirnaik SD
Abstract: The present investigation was carried out in Akola and Barshitakli tehsils of Akola district of Maharashtra State of India. For the purpose of study 10 villages form Akola district were selected randomly. In this way, a total of 150 farmers were considered as respondents for a study. Exploratory research design was used for study. Data were collected through personal interview method with the help of structural schedule. Then the data was subjected to statistical analysis for interpretation.
It is observed that a majority of farmers (69.33%) of the respondents (SA) that “I believe that Climate change is a reality, I'm sure of it”, and another 27.33 percent (A) with the statement. About 79.33 percent of respondents either (DA) or (SDA) with to statement. “I think human activity is responsible for climate change”. Similarly, about 80.67 percent of respondents either (A) or (SA) with the statement. “I believe that climate change is occurring elsewhere, but I do not believe it is occurring in my area”, about 82.00 percent of respondents (A) that they were concerned because climate change is affecting agriculture in their region. Likewise, 90.00 percent of respondents (SA) and (A) with to statement, “I believe that the current climate change is a result of widespread deforestation”. For the statement “I believe that the temperature in my area has increased over the past years”, almost (97.33%) either (A) or (SA) with to statement”.
The majority (80.00%) of the respondents (SA) and (A) to the statement, “I think Rainfall in my area has changed in my opinion”, terms of type and intensity both in. More than half (56.00%) of the respondents (SA) and (A) to the statement in my opinion, soybean will be negatively impacted in the next years due to an increase in pests and diseases in my region brought on by climate change.
DOI: 10.22271/maths.2023.v8.i6Sq.1552Pages: 1286-1288 | Views: 229 | Downloads: 6Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Pandhiri Kruparani, Chinchmalatpure UR, Sirnaik SD.
Perception of soybean growers towards climate change. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(6S):1286-1288. DOI: