2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 6
Assessment of planting techniques on yield and economics of rabi maize in Diara area
Author(s): Vinod Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, BD Singh, Ashok Kumar and MK Singh
Abstract: The On-Farm Trial was conducted during Rabi season 2016-17 and 2017-18 for Assessment Of planting techniques On Yield and Economics Of Rabi Maize In Diara Area of Munger district on 06 farmers’ fields with three planting distance
viz. farmers practice (30 cm x 20 cm row distance), planting distance - 40 cm x 20 cm, planting distance - 50 cm x 20 cm and planting distance - 60 cm x 20 cm and was randomly conducted in 06 farmers’ fields and crops are grown with all the recommended packages of practices of rabi maize. Sowing of hybrid rabi maize on 50 cm x 20 cm planting row spacing was recorded significantly higher grain yield (79.4 q/ ha and 75.3 q/ ha) and dry fodder (144.1 q/ ha and 141.6 /ha), biological yield (223.4 and 216.91qt/ ha), plant height (240.1 and 237.3 cm), number of grain row per cob (18.3 and17.3), cob length (18.7 and 16.5 cm), 1000 grain weight (274 and 272.3g) number of grain row per cob (37.3 and 36.5) and maximum cob weight (331.67 and 328.67g) over farmers practice and during both the years. However, the highest gross return (Rs.114748 / ha and 109240/ha), net return of (Rs.70982 /ha and 68220 /ha) and B: C ratio (3.69 and 3.41) was obtained with sowing of hybrid rabi maize under 50 cm x 20 cm row spacing of over farmers practice, 40 cm x 20 cm row distance, and 60 cm x 20 cm row spacing during both the years in diara area of Munger.
Pages: 1418-1420 | Views: 212 | Downloads: 5Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Vinod Kumar, Mukesh Kumar, BD Singh, Ashok Kumar, MK Singh. Assessment of planting techniques on yield and economics of rabi maize in Diara area. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(6S):1418-1420.