2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 6
Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer application on different carbon fractions under soybean-vegetable system in a vertisol
Author(s): Sangeeta, SS Porte, Rakesh Banwasi, Sunil Agrawal and VB Kuruwanshi
Abstract: Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is a very crucial element in soil fertility and productivity. It is found in the soil in the forms of labile and non-labile. The labile form contains three fractions that are frac
1 (very labile carbon), frac
2 (labile carbon) and frac
3 (less labile carbon), and frac4 of the carbon is non-labile. The experiment was conducted at the Research cum Instructional Farm, IGKV, Raipur, (C.G.) during Kharif season 2018-19. The soil sample was collected at 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm soil depth. The four carbon fractions i.e. very labile carbon (VLC), labile carbon (LC), less labile carbon (LLC), non-labile carbon (NLC) were compared in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications. The treatments consisted of organic and inorganic combination of T
0), T
2 [100% N through Organic Source (1/3 FYM, 1/3 vermicompost, 1/3 Neem cake )], T
3 (75% N through Organic Source + 10% foliar spray of Vermiwash and Cow Urine at 25-30 DAS and 50-60 DAS), T
4 (50% N through Inorganic + 50% N through Organic), T
5 (75% N through Organic + 25% N through Inorganic), T6 (100% N through Inorganic). The carbon fractions were not significantly affected by all the treatments. The higher carbon fractions recorded in 100% N through organic source (1/3 FYM, 1/3 Vermicompost, 1/3 Neem cake) at surface (0-15 cm) and sub-surface (15-30 cm) soil as compared to control (N
0). The yield of soybean significantly different in all the treatments. The maximum seed yield in treatment T3 (75% N RDF through organic source) and stover yield of soybean in T
2 (100% N through Organic Source (1/3 FYM, 1/3 vermicompost, 1/3 Neem cake).
Pages: 1439-1444 | Views: 270 | Downloads: 4Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Sangeeta, SS Porte, Rakesh Banwasi, Sunil Agrawal, VB Kuruwanshi. Effect of organic and inorganic fertilizer application on different carbon fractions under soybean-vegetable system in a vertisol. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(6S):1439-1444.