International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 6

Morpho physiological analysis of cotton genotypes (G. hirsutum L) under rainfed condition

Author(s): NU Kornule, AR Gaikwad and PK Dhoke

Abstract: Sixteen promising genotypes along with six checks NH-615, NH-545, AKH 8828, PKV Rajat, Phule 0688 and Phule Yamuna were screened for phenological characters viz., days to 50% flowering, days to first boll opening, days to 50% boll opening, days to maturity, plant height, number of bolls per plant, Number of sympodia, number of monopodia, growth parameters (NAR, AGR, RGR, SLW, LAI), proline content, SPAD chlorophyll content, yield contributing character 100 seed weight, Ginning (%), Boll weight, seed cotton yield per plot, Fiber quality parameters, fiber length, fiber strength and micronaire. Morpho physiological characters studies, for relative growth rate, the genotype NH-677 (0.046) recorded highest RGR and CNDTS-281(0.022) lowest at 61-90 DAS as compare to higher RGR check AKH-8828(0.038). Between 91-120 DAS Net Assimilation Rate differed significantly in genotype. NH-677 recorded more NAR (0.035) as compare to other and lower NAR was noticed in RHC-1306 (0.025). Absolute Growth Rate of NH-677 recorded highest AGR (1.302) and AKH-09-5 recorded lowest AGR (1.036) at 61-90 DAS. Leaf area index, at 60 DAS differed significantly among genotypes and NH 677 recorded more LAI (0.86) as compare to other genotype and least was in CNH-1124 (0.66). As regard to specific leaf weight Genotype NH 677 at 60 DAS (4.26), 90 DAS (4.84) and 150 DAS (4.54) and at 120 DAS, CNH-1111(4.16) found statistically significant over checks PKV Rajat (3.84), Phule-0688 (4.47), AKH-8828 (3.78) and AKH-8828 (4.24) for 60, 90, 120 and 150 DAS respectively.At 60 DAS, genotype NH 677recorded highest leaf area (15.48dm2) fallowed by RHC 1217 (15.42 dm2) and CNDTS 281 (15.39 dm2). At 150 DAS NH 677 recorded highest leaf area (42.97 dm2) fallowed by CNDTS 281 (41.50 dm2) and RHC 1217(42.00 dm2) as compare other genotypes. Significant differences were observed for Proline content by all genotypes studied, highest in genotype NH 677 (41.48) and least in CNH 1142 (29.50). The genotype NH-677 (46.00) recorded highest SPAD chlorophyll as compare to other and least was observe in CNH-1142 (36.75). The data on Specific Relative water Content recorded significant difference at 60 DAS. The two genotypes NH-677 (76.10) and CNDTS-281 (76.83) depicted statistically significant Specific Relative water Content value as compare to higher value check AKH-8828 (72.06). At 90 DAS four genotypes NH-677 (82.57), RHC-1217 (78.43), NH-678 (76.24) and CNDTS-281 (80.78) depicted statistically significant result as compare to higher check AKH-8828 (68.07). Yield and yield component data revealed that genotypes viz.,NH-677 (1650 g), NH678 (1250g), RHC1217 (1450g) and CNH1111 (1210g) depicted statistically significant seed cotton yield per plot as compare to higher yield check NH-615 (1170g). Genotype NH 677 recorded maximum bolls per plant (22.54), boll weight (4.17g), ginning out turn (38.85%) and 100 seed weight of (6.70 g) as compare to other genotypes. Data on fibre quality parameter revealed that, genotype CNH 1142 (29.74 mm) for fibre length, genotypes CNH-1124 (3.44 µg/inch) for micronaire and genotype CNH 1142 (21.9 g/tex) for fibre strength found better fibre parameters. Number of day to 50% flowering and first boll opening differed significantly among all the genotypes studied. Genotypes NH 677 recorded less number days to 50% flowering (60.07). There was no significant differences for 50% boll opening among all genotypes studied. The plant height was observed in range of 101.20 cm (RHC 1307) to 125.50 cm (NH 677) at 150 DAS. Genotype NH 677(21.50) and CNDTS 281(20.55) recorded statistically significant difference for more number of symopodia per plant as compare to higher check Phule 0688 (16.88). Thus in present studies, genotype NH 677, RCH 1217, CNDTS 281 and CNH 1111 were found promising for the morho physiological analysis under rainfed condition.

DOI: 10.22271/maths.2023.v8.i6Ss.1752

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How to cite this article:
NU Kornule, AR Gaikwad, PK Dhoke. Morpho physiological analysis of cotton genotypes (G. hirsutum L) under rainfed condition. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(6S):1476-1481. DOI: 10.22271/maths.2023.v8.i6Ss.1752

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics