International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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NAAS Journal

2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 7

Problems perceived by the farmers in acquisition of improved papaya production technology in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar

Author(s): Amit Kumar, Vaishnavi Bhardwaj, Krishna Kumar and Syed H Mazhar

Abstract: In the years 2020–21, research was carried out in the Bihar district of Muzaffarpur to find out the farmers face challenges particularly those who cultivate papayas, experienced in obtaining better technology for producing the fruit. As we all know that the state of Bihar divided into four Agro climatic zones based on soils, climate, topography, vegetation, temperature, rainfall, crops etc. The Muzaffarpur district falls under Agro climatic zone- I, situated in Northern west portion of the state. The soil type of this agro climatic zone as well as mentioned district is medium acidic, heavy textured and sandy loam which is favourable for Papaya production. For this reason, the present researcher choosen this district for the study. For the current research study only one block named Sakra among the 16 blocks was purposefully chosen based on the largest area used for papaya growing and the greatest number of papaya growers. Based on greater area coverage, six villages called as Gauri Har Khalik Nagar, Sarmastpur, Ghanipur, Bejha, Majhaulia, and Katesar. were arbitrarily chosen and given consideration for the study. With assistance from DHO, Muzaffarpur, a list of papaya farmers in each of the chosen villages was developed. From every village that was chosen, twenty papaya farmers were identified. As a result, the study's sample consisted of 120 papaya producers overall. The majority of farmers (87.50%) are unaware of how to determine fertilizer, around 72.50 percent of the papaya crop was harvested by others, and they faced several different problems that have been addressed in this study. The improved papaya production technology required to be adopted by the papaya producers, thus extension specialists should undertake numerous demonstrations and fieldvisits.

Pages: 13-15 | Views: 276 | Downloads: 1

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How to cite this article:
Amit Kumar, Vaishnavi Bhardwaj, Krishna Kumar, Syed H Mazhar. Problems perceived by the farmers in acquisition of improved papaya production technology in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(7S):13-15.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics