2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 7
Impact of front line demonstration on yield and economics of mushroom
Author(s): Dr. Ashok Kumar, Manoj Kumar Roy, Dr. Anil Kumar Ravi and Dr. Sunita Kumari
Abstract: Mushroom production is remunerative enterprise to enhance the socio-economic condition of the farmers. It is selected as ODOP for Gaya district. Many Farmers/Farm women & Rural Youths engaged in production of other than button mushroom like Oyster & other species of Mushroom having no or little demand in the market, hence, forced to sale at low rate. So, FLD was conducted by krishi Vigyan Kendra, Manpur, Gaya (during the year 2019-20 & 2020-21) in which Button mushroom kit was given among 134 beneficiaries under FLD. Prior to conducting FLD, the beneficiaries were made abreast with scientific production methods of mushroom through group meeting and training under FLD and 100 of them were selected randomly. The data were collected through questionnaire developed related to mushroom production and analysis was done with suitable statistics like Percentage increase yield, Extension gap, Potential gap, Technology index and Respondent satisfaction index to know the impact of FLD. The result revealed that technologies given in FLD gave more yield by 50.7 percent over control. It showed that there was technology gap (TG), extension gap and technology index of 0.9 kg/bag, 0.85 kg/bag and 32.0 percent respectively. The economic performance of Button mushroom under FLD showed an extra return of Rs. 139 /bag with extra cost of cultivation of Rs. 23/bag with BC ratio of 3.72 for demonstration and 2.46 for Local Check. 59.00 percent of them found to had high satisfaction index (RSI) towards Front Line Demonstration.
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Dr. Ashok Kumar, Manoj Kumar Roy, Dr. Anil Kumar Ravi, Dr. Sunita Kumari. Impact of front line demonstration on yield and economics of mushroom. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(7S):25-28.