2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 1
Prediction of mango yield for Raipur District of Chhattisgarh
Author(s): Vidya Patel, KK Pandey, Sweta Ramole, Devendra Upadhyay and Umesh Singh
Abstract: Mango yield and weather variable viz. minimum temperature, maximum temperature, relative humidity, sunshine, rainfall and wind velocity weekly weather data over a span of 18 years data period (2004-2021) for Raipur district of Chhattisgarh have been used in study. The model have been developed by (SRA) Stepwise Regression Analysis (forward method) and (MLR) Multiple Linear Regression on weather data. The stepwise regression model fitted on 14 generated weather variable along with T, i.e. 8 parameters have been used. The 8 generated weather variable long with this been used to fit the Multiple Linear Regression. In Unweight weather variables the significant and value of R2 found in Raipur district 0.02 and0.71 respectively. In Weighted variables the and significant value of R2 found in Raipur District 0.910 and 0.01 respectively. In Validation of Developed Model RMSE and R2 for Raipur i.e.1860.50 and 0.90 respectively.
Pages: 347-349 | Views: 278 | Downloads: 3Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Vidya Patel, KK Pandey, Sweta Ramole, Devendra Upadhyay, Umesh Singh. Prediction of mango yield for Raipur District of Chhattisgarh. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(1S):347-349.