2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 1
Knowledge gain and retaining abilities of dairy farmers on fodder crops: A Post training analysis
Author(s): Mohanakumara V, Nagaratna Biradar, MB Kudari and Gangappagouda Biradar
Abstract: Farming community in India is normally endowed with fragmented land holdings, containing marginal and small sectors to the maximum, the affordability, accessibility and possibility to travel a long distance and to hunt the information is seldom possible. As the traditional agriculture is transforming into hi-tech agriculture, the need for updated information is also essential for agricultural production and productivity, eventually giving a lucrative yield and income to the farming community. Livestock play multifunctional role to rural livelihoods. The market for livestock products, especially milk, is not volatile unlike for vegetables and other commercial crops. The livestock rearing remained as one of the most stable household enterprise of rural India. Butcost of feeding accounts nearly 70 percent of the total cost of livestock rearing. The full genetic potential of better breeds of livestock reared by farmers could not be realised in terms of higher milk yield mainly due to poor feeding. Considering its prime importance, newness and demand from the farmers, the farmer friendly e-training tools developed on ‘Green fodder production throughout the year’ as most needed information and hence tools were developed covering information on this specific need with the combination of audio, video, visuals, etc. The study was therefore conducted in northern Karnataka (India) with the sample size of 120 farmers. Effectiveness of e-training tools was assessed through three treatments, namely power point presentation, video screening and wahtsapp video. The result indicated that power point presentation, resulted in maximum mean knowledge gain followed by others. Further the study result indicated that farmers had positive opinion regarding the power point presentation as a tool to solve farmers’ problem. The developed video will help in supplementing the efforts of the extension personnel and can be used effectively by various organizations involved in dairy development for quicker transfer of information.
DOI: 10.22271/maths.2024.v9.i1Se.1609Pages: 326-329 | Views: 285 | Downloads: 1Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Mohanakumara V, Nagaratna Biradar, MB Kudari, Gangappagouda Biradar.
Knowledge gain and retaining abilities of dairy farmers on fodder crops: A Post training analysis. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(1S):326-329. DOI: