2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 2
Seasonal incidence of thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood.) infesting rose under naturally ventilated polyhouse and correlation with weather parameters
Author(s): Ranaware SS, Hole UB, Kharbade SB, Bagde AS and Galande SM
Abstract: A field experiment was conducted in the naturally ventilated polyhouse of Mr. Raju More, at At/post Porle, Tarfe Thane, Tal-Panhala, Dist. - Kolhapur, Maharashtra during the summer 2023. The objective was to study the seasonal incidence of thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood,) infesting rose under naturally ventilated polyhouse. The results revealed that seasonal incidence of rose thrips commenced from March onwards, with a density of 17.06 thrips per three leaves at a temperature of 32.7 °C and relative humidity of 82.7 percent. The rise in rose thrips incidence was gradual, starting from the 13th MW to the 21st MW, corresponding to the 4th week of March to the 3rd week of May. The peak infestation occurred in the 14th MW, with 29.24 thrips per three leaves, aligning with a temperature of 36.6 °C and a relative humidity of 78.6 percent. It was observed that high temperatures and increased sunshine hours were conducive for the proliferation of rose thrips.
The correlation analysis for thrips population on leaves and weather parameters in 2023 revealed a positively associated 0.92* with maximum temperature, 0.638 with bright sunshine, and negatively correlated -0.23 for minimum temperature, -0.45* for morning relative humidity (RH-I), and -0.11 for evening relative humidity. The rise in temperature and increased sunshine hours led to increase in population of rose thrips per three leaves.
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Ranaware SS, Hole UB, Kharbade SB, Bagde AS, Galande SM. Seasonal incidence of thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood.) infesting rose under naturally ventilated polyhouse and correlation with weather parameters. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(2S):20-23.