2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 3
Role of dynamic elements involved in synchronized online teaching and learning situation
Author(s): Dr. K Mahandrakumar and Dr. P Prema
Abstract: Background: This systematic research describes the effects of online teaching on college students learning performance. The second year students of B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture students of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU) have undergone few courses in remote teaching in synchronized online mode. In the year 2022-2023 to get the good exposure on the subject matter from eminent faculties. Hence, this study was initiated to know the advantages and disadvantages of this type of e-learning by addressing the key elements involved in teaching -learning situations.
Methods: In this study, survey were conducted for Agricultural students during 2022-2023, different location of Agricultural College and Research Institute. The Questionary were prepared using google form and the link has sent to the students. Responses were obtained in google form from 240 respondents.
Results: The study revealed that principle for effective delivery of subject matter such as Known to unknown, Simple to complex and rehearsal of previous lecture was ignored. Absence of Interaction between teachers and learners is the another major problem. Suitable modification in delivering the content according to the pace of learning through asynchronised mode may be adopted in trail basis.
Pages: 41-43 | Views: 197 | Downloads: 7Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Dr. K Mahandrakumar, Dr. P Prema. Role of dynamic elements involved in synchronized online teaching and learning situation. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(3S):41-43.