International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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NAAS Journal

2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 3

Factor affecting on crop diversification in different regions in Maharashtra

Author(s): Abhijeet B Thakare, NV Shende, AA Bhopale, RD Vaidkar, NR Koshti and RD Walke

Abstract: The purpose of the study was to examine the variables affecting crop diversification in various Maharashtra regions. The foundation of the study was the secondary data. The secondary source for the data was used between 2001–02 and 2020–21. Because multiple linear regression is more easily computed and interpreted than other regression models, it was used to determine the factors influencing crop diversification. In Vidarbha region cropping intensity, gross cropped area and fertilizer consumption were positively affected on crop diversification. The variables rainfall, net cropped area and percentage of marginal and small holding in total holding were negatively affected on crop diversification. In Marathwada region, the grossed cropped area, fertilizer consumption, forest area and average size of marginal and small holding were positively affected on crop diversification. The rainfall was affected negatively on crop diversification. In Western Maharashtra region cropping intensity, per capita income, fertilizer consumption and average size of marginal and small holding affected positively on crop diversification and in Konkan region cropping intensity, rainfall, grossed cropped area, fertilizer consumption and use of fertilizer positively affected on crop diversification. The variables per capita income and percentage of marginal and small holding in total holding negatively affected on crop diversification.

Pages: 88-91 | Views: 206 | Downloads: 12

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How to cite this article:
Abhijeet B Thakare, NV Shende, AA Bhopale, RD Vaidkar, NR Koshti, RD Walke. Factor affecting on crop diversification in different regions in Maharashtra. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(3S):88-91.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics