International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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NAAS Journal

2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 5

Effect of FYM, vermicompost, Azotobacter, sulphur and Zn with chemical fertilizer on growth, yield and yield attribute in wheat crop

Author(s): Sarita, Iqra Javaid, Rubaya Tabassum, Harishankar and Satypriy Sikarwar

Abstract: The present experiment was laid out on random block design, with consists of 8 treatments viz; where 100% RDF (T1), 75% RDF (T2), 75% RDF + ZnSO4 @ 25 kg/ha-1 (T3), 75% RDF + sulphur @ 40 kg/ha-1 (T4), 75% RDF +25% N through FYM + Azotobacter (T5), 75% RDF + ZnSO4 @ 25 kg/ha-1 + Sulphur @ 40 kg/ha (T6), 100% RDF + 25% N through (Vermi compost) + ZnSO4 @ 25 kg/ha-1 (T7) replicate with three times in wheat crop. The results of this experiment indicate the growth parameter viz; plant height at 60 and 90 DAS, Dry matter accumulation at 60, 90 and Harvest stage, Leaf area index (LAI) 60 and 90 DAS, number of tillers 60, 90 DAS and harvest and yield attributing character and yield of wheat crop viz; number of spikelet’s, length of spike, grain per spike and test weight and grain, straw and biological yield of was recorded maximum from 100% RDF +25% N through (vermin compost)+ ZnSO4 @ 25 kg/ha-1 which were statistically superior than 75% RDF +25% N through FYM + Azotobacter, 75% RDF + ZnSO4 @ 25 kg/ha-1 + Sulphur @ 40 kg/ha-1 and 100% RDF (Recommended dose of fertilizer) However, the minimum value of these parameter was recorded from control plot. Among economic point of view, the maximum net return and benefit: Cost ratio was documented from 100% RDF +25% N through (vermin compost) + ZnSO4 @ 25 kg/ha-1 which were statistically more than with 75% RDF + 25% N through FYM + Azotobacter and 75% RDF +25% N through FYM + Azotobacter. However, the minimum net return was recorded from control plot.

Pages: 163-167 | Views: 82 | Downloads: 12

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How to cite this article:
Sarita, Iqra Javaid, Rubaya Tabassum, Harishankar, Satypriy Sikarwar. Effect of FYM, vermicompost, Azotobacter, sulphur and Zn with chemical fertilizer on growth, yield and yield attribute in wheat crop. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(5S):163-167.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics