International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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NAAS Journal

2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 5

Effectiveness of agricultural price policy on wheat in Maharashtra

Author(s): AB Thakare, NV Shende, AA Bhopale and AA Mohanapure

Abstract: Wheat production os about 70 millions tonnes per year in India and counts for approximately 12 percent of the world production. In Maharashtra state, the area under wheat cultivation during 2020-21 was 13062.35 (00 hectares) with total production of 26411.91 (00 tonnes) and yield of 2021.99 kgs per hectares. Maharashtra ranks 8th place in wheat production in country. Keeping in view the importance of Wheat crop in Maharashtra the present study was concluded with a defined objectives and methodology. The study reveled that, the growth in area of wheat stagnant over a period of study and the production growth of the wheat was significantly increased during study period. As the variability in WSPs was medium in wheat crop of the study, it denotes were volatile in terms of prices and also that regular variability in MSP was observed in wheat during study period. The compound growth rates of MSP were slightly higher than WSP of the study. Significantly positive growth rates were observed for FHP and MSP of wheat crop. It was observed that, significance gap between FHP, WSP and MSP do not differ significantly. As about the deviation of FHPs, WSPs vis-à-vis MSPs, it was detected that, frequency of negative deviation occurred 2 and 5 times while about positive deviation it was 29 and 26 times of wheat crop respectively. The adjusted difference (positive) between MSP and FHP/WSP was as above 93 percent / 83 percent of the MSP and the negative difference was very low. It was also observed that, the impact of MSP, FHP and WSP on area, production and productivity is middling under wheat crop during the study period.

Pages: 26-30 | Views: 128 | Downloads: 3

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How to cite this article:
AB Thakare, NV Shende, AA Bhopale, AA Mohanapure. Effectiveness of agricultural price policy on wheat in Maharashtra. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(5S):26-30.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics