International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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NAAS Journal

2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 5

Correlates of adoption of groundnut cultivation technology

Author(s): Kavita Gandhi, Swati A Gawande, PK Wakle, SP Lambe, Khobarkar and YB Shambharkar

Abstract: The present study on "Adoption of Production Technology of Groundnut by the Groundnut Growers" was conducted in Washim districts of Maharashtra state. The exploratory research design of social research was used. In all, 150 respondents were selected by random sampling method. The data were collected by personally interviewing the respondents with the help of structured interview schedule. The data collected were carefully examined, classified, quantified and tabulated. Frequencies, mean, standard deviation and coefficient of correlation were employed for interpreting the results. Majority i.e. 52.00 percent of the respondents had medium level of adoption of recommended cultivation practices of groundnut. In case of adoption, the findings revealed that characteristics such as source of information and risk orientation were having positively and highly significantly correlated with the adoption of recommended cultivation practices of groundnut. The variable such as education, land holding, area under groundnut cultivation, experience in groundnut cultivation, annual income, social participation, innovativeness, marketing orientation, knowledge were positively and significantly correlated with adoption of recommended cultivation practices of groundnut. Therefore, the null hypothesis was rejected for these variables. The variable such as age was having non-significant relationship with adoption towards recommended cultivation practices of groundnut. Therefore, the null hypothesis was accepted for these variables.

Pages: 236-238 | Views: 105 | Downloads: 7

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How to cite this article:
Kavita Gandhi, Swati A Gawande, PK Wakle, SP Lambe, Khobarkar, YB Shambharkar. Correlates of adoption of groundnut cultivation technology. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(5S):236-238.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics