2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 5
Effect of different farming practices on naturally occurring diseases of wheat
Author(s): Bachaspatimayum Roopeshwar Sharma, Dr. BB Chirame and Dr. AA Bhagat
Abstract: The Green Revolution of the mid-1960s enhanced food security by introducing high-yield variety seeds, chemical fertilizers, and irrigation techniques. However, this progress came at the cost of environmental damage, including soil degradation and biodiversity loss. In response, some farmers and organizations have turned to alternative agricultural methods, such as Organic Farming and Zero Budget Natural Farming, which emphasize agroecology and biodiversity. Despite their potential, these approaches lack thorough scientific validation. To bridge this gap, a study was carried out at College of Agriculture, Pune, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Maharashtra, India during the 2023-24
Rabi season with an aim to evaluate the effect of different farming practices on naturally occurring diseases of wheat. Five farming systems were tested: Farmers' practices, MPKV Recommended Package of Practices, Organic Farming, Natural Farming, and Climate Resilient Farming. In this experiment, two diseases of wheat crop were observed in all the treatments - leaf rust of wheat caused by
Puccinia triticina and stem rust of wheat caused by
Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici. The least disease incidence of leaf rust was observed in Natural farming (59.68%) while the highest disease incidence was observed in Farmers’ practices (93.79%). For stem rust of wheat, the least disease incidence was observed in Natural farming (56.58%) while the highest disease incidence was observed in Farmers’ practices (93.75%).
Pages: 239-243 | Views: 92 | Downloads: 8Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Bachaspatimayum Roopeshwar Sharma, Dr. BB Chirame, Dr. AA Bhagat. Effect of different farming practices on naturally occurring diseases of wheat. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(5S):239-243.