International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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NAAS Journal

2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 6

A comparative study of ANOVA, ANCOVA and OCDs (Optimum covariate designs) with RBD set-up in field experiment

Author(s): Reshma Rakse, D Nishad, D Prasad, ML Lakhera, P Sahu, Akanksha, Dipti Thakur and Sandeep Sonkar

Abstract: A Comparative Study of ANOVA, ANCOVA and OCDs (Optimum Covariate Designs) with RBD set-up in Field Experiment” was conducted at all India coordinated research project (AICRP) on potato. The experimental site was located at the “Research cum Instructional Farm, of Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.) in 2022-23 on various sixteen genotype of potato has been planted. The experiment was carried out with the objective of study the genetic variability for yield and its contributing traits in potato in rice-based cropping system. ANOVA and ANCOVA was performed for the analysis using covariates and OCD with single, double and triple covariates each analysis in RBD setup. Using ANCOVA potato yield was primary interest and other yield and growth traits were used as covariates. It is found that using of OCDs instead of covariates were better than using additional characters as covariates. Relative Efficiency percentage of the OCDs were found better as compared to covariates as well as ANOVA. The result showed that ANCOVA model is more efficient than ANOVA model provided the greater relative efficiency percentage and significant level of the corresponding parameters. It is observed that ANCOVA model using OCDs are much more efficient than ANCOVA model with the covariates which are not orthogonal to each other and ANOVA model.

Pages: 164-168 | Views: 19 | Downloads: 2

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How to cite this article:
Reshma Rakse, D Nishad, D Prasad, ML Lakhera, P Sahu, Akanksha, Dipti Thakur, Sandeep Sonkar. A comparative study of ANOVA, ANCOVA and OCDs (Optimum covariate designs) with RBD set-up in field experiment. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(6S):164-168.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics