International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics
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NAAS Journal

2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 6

Nutritional status of children attending ICDS anganwadis in dhanera taluka of Banaskantha district, Gujarat

Author(s): Binal Parekh, BG Patel and Santosh Ahlawat

Abstract: The present study was undertaken to observe the “Nutritional status of children attending ICDS anganwadis in Dhanera Taluka of Banaskantha District, Gujarat.” Two hundred anganwadi children in the age group 3 to 5 years were included in the present investigation. We discussed here obstetrical history of mother and child morbidity pattern, Clinical investigations, Diet survey of anganwadi children. The result indicated majority of preschool children continued exclusive breast feeding for more than 12 months. Again, various vaccinations such as polio, malaria, tetanus, smallpox and typhoid were taken invariably and also suffered from various diseases such as fever, diarrhoea and cold. In clinical investigations of preschool children brought out various signs and symptoms of deficiencies such as thinness and sparseness, lake of luster of hair, diffuse dyspigmentation, moon face, Bitot’s spot, angular scars, Caris, ridged nails and spongy bleeding gums. In diet survey, the majorities of the preschool children studied were vegetarian. None of the preschool children reported to take any special food in their family. Consumption of various foods except cereal was irregular and infrequent. Bajra and wheat were the staple cereal consumed throughout the year by all the anganwadi children. The consumption pattern of pulses, roots and tubers, other vegetables, fruits and milk product was very low in the diet of anganwadi children, while green leafy vegetables were not included in their daily diet as consumption of these vegetables was largely dependents upon the availability during different seasons. In fruits, consumption of mango, banana guava and pomegranate were high because these were seasonal fruits and were available at a cheaper rate. Animal food consumption such as meat, egg, fish or poultry was noticed only in few anganwadi children.

Pages: 230-234 | Views: 17 | Downloads: 3

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How to cite this article:
Binal Parekh, BG Patel, Santosh Ahlawat. Nutritional status of children attending ICDS anganwadis in dhanera taluka of Banaskantha district, Gujarat. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(6S):230-234.

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International Journal of Statistics and Applied Mathematics