2024, Vol. 9, Special Issue 6
Effect of water-soluble fertilizer on growth and yield of little millet (Panicum sumatrense) in sub-montane zone of Maharashtra
Author(s): Ahire AM, Gajbhiye PN, Nale VN, Kamble BM, Bhingardeve SD and Ban YG
Abstract: Foliar application is an alternative nutrient delivery method through which nutrients are directly applied to the leaves of the plant. Thus, foliar application enhances nutrient absorption by the plant and there by aggravate its growth performance. A field experiment was conducted at the Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Sub-montane Zone, Kolhapur, during Kharif 2023 to study the effect of foliar application of water-soluble fertilizer on growth and yield of little millet crop. The experiment comprised of twelve treatments which were replicated thrice and statistically tested using randomized block design. The foliar nutrients were applied at 45 and 60 DAS and 5 t FYM ha
-1 was applied common to all treatments. The findings of the experiment revealed that the plant height was significantly highest (111 cm) due to combine application of 75% RDF and 2% foliar spray of urea however, it was comparable with other combination treatment of 75% RDF along with 1% foliar spray of 19:19:19. The treatment consisting 75% RDF along with 2% foliar spray of 19:19:19 recorded significantly highest length of panicle (21.8 cm) and number of tillers per plant (4.53 plant
-1) but equivalent to 75% RDF with 1% foliar spray of 19:19:19 and RDF for little millet. The enhanced growth performance observed can be attributed to the balanced and timely supply of nutrients from the foliar application, which is crucial for the development of the little millet crop. The combination treatment of 75% RDF along with 2% foliar spray of 19:19:19 recorded significantly highest grain yield (12.2 q ha
-1) and straw yield (19.3 q ha
-1) which was statistically at par to 75% RDF with 1% foliar spray of 19:19:19 but superior over recommended dose of fertilizer for little millet.
Pages: 212-215 | Views: 27 | Downloads: 2Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Ahire AM, Gajbhiye PN, Nale VN, Kamble BM, Bhingardeve SD, Ban YG. Effect of water-soluble fertilizer on growth and yield of little millet (Panicum sumatrense) in sub-montane zone of Maharashtra. Int J Stat Appl Math 2024;9(6S):212-215.