2019, Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part A
MHD free convection heat transfer having vertical fin in a square wavy cavity
Author(s): Md. Fayz-Al-Asad, M Jahirul Haque Munshi, Rajib Kumar Bhowmik and MM A Sarker
Abstract: MHD free convection heat transfer in a square wavy cavity with single vertical fin attached to its lower heated wall has been numerically simulated in this paper. The bottom wall is kept at a constant heat temperature
Tn and the upper wall is kept at a constant cold temperature
Tc, while the wavy vertical walls are kept at adiabatic. The magnetic field of strength is applied parallel to x-axis. Finite element method based Galerkin weighted residual technique is used to solve the governing equation. The Prandlt number for the flow inside the enclosure is 0.71. A parametric study has been carried out to investigate the effect of Rayleigh number and Hartmann number on the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristic inside the cavity. The obtained results indicated that the heat transfer rate is enhanced with the growth of Rayleigh number when Hartmann number is kept constant. A set of graphical results are presented in terms of streamlines, isotherms, velocity profiles, temperature profiles, local Nusselt number and average Nusselt number. The results are validated comparing with the previous published works.
Pages: 32-38 | Views: 1389 | Downloads: 102Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Md. Fayz-Al-Asad, M Jahirul Haque Munshi, Rajib Kumar Bhowmik, MM A Sarker. MHD free convection heat transfer having vertical fin in a square wavy cavity. Int J Stat Appl Math 2019;4(3):32-38.