2019, Vol. 4, Issue 4, Part A
Prime ideals and radical of ideals in near- rings
Author(s): Ashok Kumar Pandey
Abstract: The most interesting and active field of current research in mathematics is theory of near- ring due to its wide application in coding theory, group theory, geometry, cryptography and block- designing etc. Near rings are one of the generalized structure of rings. In this paper we discuss the concepts of ideals and radicals in near- rings also the concepts of
m- system and
sp- system in context of near- rings. Also, the concepts of
m*- system,
m*- sequences and prime radicals in near rings.
Pages: 66-68 | Views: 861 | Downloads: 9Download Full Article: Click Here
How to cite this article:
Ashok Kumar Pandey. Prime ideals and radical of ideals in near- rings. Int J Stat Appl Math 2019;4(4):66-68.