An economic model based on SkSP-2 with double sampling plan as the reference plan
Author(s): B Haripriya and V Sangeetha
Skip-lot sampling plans have been widely used in industries to reduce inspection efforts when products have excellent quality records. This paper provides an economic model based on SkSP-2 with the double sampling plan as a reference plan. The various combinations of producer quality level and consumer quality level by minimizing both the producer’s and the consumer’s risk have been discussed. Numerical examples are provided to confirm the application of the proposed concept.
B Haripriya, V Sangeetha. An economic model based on SkSP-2 with double sampling plan as the reference plan. Int J Stat Appl Math 2022;7(5):31-35. DOI: 10.22271/maths.2022.v7.i5a.879