Title and Authors Name |
Stability analysis of discrete dynamical system using khan-iteration technique Monika Bai, Ashish and Pooja Bhatia Pages: 01-09 - Viewed: 309 - Downloaded: 59 |
Estimation of sequestered carbon of rice and wheat at district level for Chhattisgarh plains zone of Chhattisgarh State of India Hemeshvari, KK Pandey, Devendra Upadhyay and Tejeshwar Pages: 10-15 - Viewed: 211 - Downloaded: 18 |
Profit analysis of a two-unit similar cold standby system with endurance time and preventive maintenance Hemant Kumar Saw, Rakesh Tiwari and Shruti Shukla Pages: 16-21 - Viewed: 242 - Downloaded: 21 |
Asymptotic behavior of solutions of biharmonic Stefan’s problem NB Potadar Pages: 22-24 - Viewed: 221 - Downloaded: 15 |
Forecasting the annual number of juvenile apprehensions in India: A case study Dr. Renu Kaul, Namita Jalan and Mahi Gupta Pages: 25-32 - Viewed: 845 - Downloaded: 58 |
Numerical treatment of the weakly singular first-kind Volterra integral equations based on super-implicit multi-step collocation methods Dana Tahseen Abdulrahman, Salwan Tareq Abdulghafoor and Ghassan Ali Mahmood Pages: 33-39 - Viewed: 155 - Downloaded: 13 |
Harnessing the power of ancient wisdom: Exploring the techniques of Vedic mathematics Deepa Makholia, Amit Kumar, Surendra Vikram Singh Padiar and Dr. Poonam Miyan Pages: 40-42 - Viewed: 160 - Downloaded: 11 |
Estimation of carbon sequestration potential of fast-growing trees under the agroforestry systems for Chhattisgarh plains zone of Chhattisgarh State of India Tejeshwar, KK Pandey, Devendra Upadhyay and Hemeshvari Pages: 43-48 - Viewed: 162 - Downloaded: 10 |
Optimizing valuation accuracy in Kenya’s real estate market: Application of supervised machine learning models Ruth Wangari Muchai Pages: 49-60 - Viewed: 297 - Downloaded: 38 |
Clustering approach to group similar soils for efficient agricultural land use planning Vinay HT, Mallikarjun B Hanji, Jagadeesh MS, V Ramamurthy, Mohan Kumar TL and KN Krishnamurthy Pages: 61-68 - Viewed: 188 - Downloaded: 6 |