Title and Authors Name |
Study of W_8-curvature tensor on Kenmotsu manifold admitting (G.T.W.C.) Generalized Tanaka webster connection Francis Mburu and John Wahome Pages: 99-103 - Viewed: 109 - Downloaded: 25 |
Fixed points in partially ordered metric space using δ-distance hybrid contraction Maheshwari PG Pages: 104-108 - Viewed: 67 - Downloaded: 7 |
Negative binomial regression model for monitoring rare species data: A case study at Ngorongoro conservation Area-Tanzania Shaban Juma Ally and Hassan A Mrutu Pages: 109-114 - Viewed: 13710 - Downloaded: 1438 |
An optimal study on process control mechanics to measure the pH level in hydroponics system V Kaviyarasu and T Shobana Pages: 115-120 - Viewed: 68 - Downloaded: 7 |
Forecasting of monthly cardamom price using long memory time series modelling technique Muhammed Irshad M, Kader Ali Sarkar, Digvijay Singh Dhakre and Debasis Bhattacharya Pages: 121-126 - Viewed: 108 - Downloaded: 19 |
Statistical study of Bayesian analysis estimators and general least squares method for hierarchical regression model parameters Ashraf Mohammed Shareef Pages: 127-136 - Viewed: 41 - Downloaded: 8 |
Useful statistical distributions in modeling traffic flow Hudson Nyang’wara Ongiri Pages: 137-138 - Viewed: 73 - Downloaded: 7 |
Evaluation of E-commerce websites through analytical hierarchy process Sreyas Vellanki and Dr. AVS Prasad Pages: 139-143 - Viewed: 66 - Downloaded: 25 |
Evaluation of panel data estimators under the unbalanced panel data for small data sizes occasioned by missingness OP Balogun, WB Yahya and AA Issa Pages: 144-149 - Viewed: 64 - Downloaded: 6 |
A study of trend and pattern of HIV/AIDS disease in India using growth curve models Sujatha Inginshetty, Anand BS and MN Megeri Pages: 150-155 - Viewed: 159 - Downloaded: 40 |