2023, Vol. 8, Special Issue 6
Constraints and suggestions for increasing production of different cropping systems in Indore district of Madhya Pradesh
Author(s): Veena Rathore, Neha Dwivedi and RK Narvariya
Abstract: Cropping system is an important component of a farming system. It represents their interaction with farm resources, other farm enterprises and available technology which determine their make up. The farmers in area adopting a certain cropping system, specially producing maximum remuneration with available suitable agro climatic condition and other factors receiving greater emphasis. Proper and well adopted cropping system increase supply of balanced food, feed and cash needs of farmers, without extra expense. To study the constraints related to existing cropping system and suggest ways and means for increasing production level of different cropping system. Indore district was selected for present study due to higher changing cropping system as progressive agricultural area. In Indore district Indore block in Madhya Pradesh was purposively selected for the study owing to well acquaintance with the researcher about area which would be make easy in data collection. Multi stage sampling technique was used for drawing a sample for the present study. At first stage, the villages were selected for study. At the second stage of sampling, the farmers were selected for data collection as respondents of study. A list of all the villages in the selected block was prepared with the help of Department of Agriculture Indore. Again, these villages were arranged in ascending order with the area of different crop’s in the villages. Further in this selection process top 5 villages having maximum area under different crop’s was further selected purposively for the study. From the selected villages, a list of all the different crop’s growers was prepared. In the third stage of selection 70 farmers were selected randomly by proportional allocation of 3 categories i.e. small (less than 2 ha), medium (2 to 4 ha.) and large (more than 4 ha.). Thus 70 farmers was the sample of present study. In present study, both primary and secondary data were used to find out the findings of study. Primary data was collected from sample farmers and the secondary data was collected from other department. The data was collected through survey method. The period of the study was related to the agriculture year 2014-2015. The most important constraints was “natural causes” got rank Ist among all the constraint followed by “economic cause” (rank IInd), ‘technological cause” (rank IIIrd), “institutional infrastructure cause” (rank IVth) and “social cause” (rank Vth) respectively. The major suggestions confronted by 92.86 per cent farmers were “area for intensive cultivation should be demarketed” followed by 88.57 per cent suggested that “emphasis should be given on dynamic crops”, 85.71 per cent suggested that “training of farmers in modern methods of crop production” and 78.57 per cent suggested that “the preference should be given for drip and micro sprinkler irrigation” respectively.
Pages: 454-457 | Views: 209 | Downloads: 1Download Full Article: Click HereHow to cite this article:
Veena Rathore, Neha Dwivedi, RK Narvariya. Constraints and suggestions for increasing production of different cropping systems in Indore district of Madhya Pradesh. Int J Stat Appl Math 2023;8(6S):454-457.