Title and Authors Name |
Parameter estimation of Type-II extreme value distribution for censored data Ekta Hooda, Darvinder Kumar and Nitin Tanwar Pages: 113-117 - Viewed: 338 - Downloaded: 22 |
An application of explanatory variables to model and forecast sugarcane yield Monika Devi, Joginder and Dalip Kumar Bishnoi Pages: 118-123 - Viewed: 295 - Downloaded: 17 |
A study on arrival and prices pattern of onion in Haryana and India Monika Devi, Joginder and Dalip Kumar Bishnoi Pages: 124-132 - Viewed: 382 - Downloaded: 22 |
Application of linear regression with their advantages, disadvantages, assumption and limitations P Anandhi and Dr. E Nathiya Pages: 133-137 - Viewed: 795 - Downloaded: 53 |
A statistical model for predicting intensity of cyclones: A case study on North Indian Ocean Upendra Kumar Sahoo and Tirthankar Ghosh Pages: 138-150 - Viewed: 348 - Downloaded: 20 |
Contributions of Nepali mathematicians in modern period: An overview Sher Singh Raikhola Pages: 151-156 - Viewed: 337 - Downloaded: 4 |
Statistical models for forecasting area, production and productivity of banana in Gujarat: An empirical study Siddharajsinh R Raj, Dr. AN Khokhar and Sneh J Devra Pages: 157-164 - Viewed: 284 - Downloaded: 14 |
A statistical analysis of major oilseeds area, production and productivity in Gujarat state Rahul K Joshi, KP Thakar, Rajdeepsinh Jadeja and Soumya C Pages: 165-171 - Viewed: 296 - Downloaded: 11 |
Forecasting cotton prices in major domestic markets of India: An analytical approach Upasana D Bhopala, MG Dhandhalya, Mohit Kumar and Bhoomi Suthar Pages: 172-176 - Viewed: 368 - Downloaded: 17 |
Forecasting guava cultivation: An empirical examination of statistical models for area, production, and productivity in Gujarat Siddharajsinh R Raj, Dr. AN Khokhar, Sneh J Devra Pages: 177-182 - Viewed: 327 - Downloaded: 19 |
Spatio-temporal dynamics in cotton area, production and productivity: A worldwide scenario Upasana D Bhopala, MG Dhandhalya and RB Rathod Pages: 183-186 - Viewed: 338 - Downloaded: 15 |
Estimation of location (θ) and scale (λ) of Two-Parameter Half Logistic -Rayleigh Distribution (HLRD) using least square regression methods Dr. K Sai Swathi, Dr. B Guravaiah, Dr. M Vijaya Lakshmi and Dr. G.V.S.R Anjaneyulu Pages: 187-189 - Viewed: 273 - Downloaded: 8 |