Title and Authors Name |
Importance of moderating and intervening variables on the relationship between independent and dependent variables GP Pokhariyal Pages: 01-04 - Viewed: 1264 - Downloaded: 80 |
Relevance of graph theory in operational research Muddasir Yousuf and Dr. Chitra Singh Pages: 05-07 - Viewed: 1219 - Downloaded: 35 |
Integral in topological spaces Farhat Jabeen and Dr. Chitra Singh Pages: 08-10 - Viewed: 1107 - Downloaded: 23 |
An undergraduate student flow model: Semester system in university of Tabuk (KSA) Hussein Eledum and Elsiddig Idriss Mohamed Idriss Pages: 11-19 - Viewed: 1030 - Downloaded: 24 |
Forecasting foreign tourist arrivals to India using alternative forecasting combinations Kriti Kumari, Shalini Chandra and Samarjit Kar Pages: 20-24 - Viewed: 1073 - Downloaded: 28 |
Case of two missing observations in Youden square design belonging to different rows, same column, and different treatments (Both are not common in both the rows) Dr. AK Kaushik and Dr. Shiv Kumar Pages: 25-30 - Viewed: 989 - Downloaded: 13 |
K-l analytic functions and their related theorems Hong Li and Tongbo Liu Pages: 31-36 - Viewed: 1092 - Downloaded: 13 |
The exponentıal generating functıons of jacobsthal and jacobsthal lucas ıdentıtıes S Uygun Pages: 37-44 - Viewed: 1060 - Downloaded: 20 |
Soliton solution of korteweg-de vries equation Rajib Kumar Bhowmik, Md. Fayz-Al-Asad and Md. Rezaul Karim Pages: 45-48 - Viewed: 1130 - Downloaded: 33 |
η- Ricci solitons on lorentzian para- sasakian manifolds defined with W2−curvaturetensor LF Uwimbabazi Ruganzu, SK Moindi and GP Pokhariyal Pages: 49-54 - Viewed: 1088 - Downloaded: 39 |