Title and Authors Name |
Research output of Plant Pathology through Web of Science: A Scientometric Study Dr. M Sankar and Dr. P Senthilkumar Pages: 01-05 - Viewed: 440 - Downloaded: 15 |
Entrepreneurship and marketing skill development through distance learning programmes S Angles, P Balaji, C Muralidharan, S Gurunathan and P Senthilkumar Pages: 06-08 - Viewed: 499 - Downloaded: 7 |
An assessment on performance of regulated markets in Tamil Nadu S Angles, P Balaji, C Muralidharan, S Gurunathan and P Senthilkumar Pages: 09-11 - Viewed: 469 - Downloaded: 6 |
A review of visual MODFLOW applications in groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling Selvakumar Selvaraj, P Aravind, Boomiraj Kovilpillai, Venkadesh Samykannu and Balaji Kannan Pages: 12-16 - Viewed: 599 - Downloaded: 7 |
Stability analysis of pearl millet genotypes: An eberhart and Russell model approach Aditi, Sarita Rani and Chetna Pages: 17-22 - Viewed: 420 - Downloaded: 11 |
A study on impact of climate change on rice yield Chetna, Monika Devi, Aditi and Ajay Sharma Pages: 23-29 - Viewed: 468 - Downloaded: 7 |
Hindrance and opinion towards recommended suggestion of bamboo artisans Suprita Pawar, Geeta Chitagubbi and Rajeshwari Desai Pages: 30-33 - Viewed: 423 - Downloaded: 6 |
Analyzing variation in water regimes and its effect on various plant growth and yield parameters of Potato (var. Kufri Sindhuri) in Valley areas of Manipur, India Meghna Gogoi, Jamkhogin Lhungdim, L Nabachandra Singh, Indira Sarangthem, N Gopimohan Singh and NG Joy Kumar Singh Pages: 34-38 - Viewed: 402 - Downloaded: 6 |
Effect of packaging on TSS, acidity and sugar content of Kinnow fruits stored at room temperature Rupakshi and RK Goyal Pages: 39-42 - Viewed: 469 - Downloaded: 7 |
Analysis of genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance for growth and yield attributes in green gram (Vigna radiata L. Wilczek) Raju Thonta, Manoj Kumar Pandey, Rajneesh Kumar and Santhoshini Pages: 43-47 - Viewed: 756 - Downloaded: 100 |
Understanding the dynamics in fish price behaviour across selected coastal states of India Shyam S Salim, Athira NR and Lowrane Stanley Pages: 82-87 - Viewed: 577 - Downloaded: 6 |
Factors affecting rapeseed and mustard production in Jorhat District of Assam Sujata Baruah, Dr. RP Paswan and Borsha Neog Pages: 88-92 - Viewed: 572 - Downloaded: 13 |
Stability assessment of Indian mustard genotypes in north zone of India using TOPSIS technique Deepankar and BK Hooda Pages: 93-102 - Viewed: 394 - Downloaded: 10 |
Effect of foliar applied micronutrients on growth and production of maize-cowpea intercropping system Rachana, Vikram Singh and Rajni Kiran Lakra Pages: 103-106 - Viewed: 405 - Downloaded: 3 |
A study on costs and returns of paddy cultivation in Ambedkar Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh Neeraj Kumar, RR Kushwaha, NR Meena, Harshit Mishra and APS Yadav Pages: 107-111 - Viewed: 611 - Downloaded: 5 |
Efficiency of different bio stimulants on chilli crop under Prayagraj agro climatic conditions Shiv Nandini, Dr. Devi Singh and Dr. C John Wesley Pages: 112-115 - Viewed: 436 - Downloaded: 3 |
Drudgery reducing technologies in vegetable production system Rajeshwari Desai, Geeta Chitagubbi and Shobha Kasar Pages: 116-120 - Viewed: 500 - Downloaded: 5 |
Mean-reversion based hybrid movie recommender system using collaborative and content-based filtering methods Amaan Mashooq Nasser, Jayant Bhagat, Abhishek Agrawal and T Joshva Devadas Pages: 121-137 - Viewed: 761 - Downloaded: 40 |
Strategic preferences towards drought and coping mechanisms in sericulture: A multivariate statistical approach GR Halagundegowda, GR Manjunatha, Prashanth Sangannavar, Nazeer Ahmed Saheb, S Manthira Moorthy, Jula S Nair and BT Sreenivasa Pages: 138-143 - Viewed: 486 - Downloaded: 4 |
Development of scale to study the behaviour assessment of COVID recovered patients towards accurate diagnosis and effective treatment Rupanagudi Unesha Fareq, Dr. Deepa Vinay and Rupanagudi Beena Fareq Pages: 144-148 - Viewed: 432 - Downloaded: 7 |
Growth and instability in vanya silk production in India: An econometric analysis GR Halagundegowda, P Kumaresan, GR Manjunatha, Prashanth Sangannavar, Nazeer Ahmed Saheb, S Manthira Moorthy, Jula S Nair and BT Sreenivasa Pages: 175-181 - Viewed: 434 - Downloaded: 6 |
Effect of different herbicide on yield and NPK uptake and content by Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Purnima Kumari, Brajesh Kumar, Neha Singh, Jyoti Gulati, Subham Dhiman and Shivani Thakur Pages: 182-184 - Viewed: 502 - Downloaded: 13 |
An analysis on farmers’ preference for rice varietal traits in Godavari districts of Andhra Pradesh D Chinni, V Srinivasa Rao, KN Ravi Kumar, M Sunil Kumar, Y Suneetha and KN Sreenivasulu Pages: 185-188 - Viewed: 500 - Downloaded: 11 |
Effect of fertilizer and organic manure on yield attributes of guava (Psidium guajava L.) under Casuarina equisetifolia based agri-silvi-horti system in sodic soil Rashav Chahal, SK Verma, Kuwar Yeshvir Arya and Dev Narayan Yadav Pages: 189-191 - Viewed: 479 - Downloaded: 4 |
Effect of system of rice intensification and organic manure on yield attributes and economics of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Medha Shreya and Dr. Victor Debbarma Pages: 192-195 - Viewed: 418 - Downloaded: 3 |
Analyzing the efficiency of different initiative (Individual and community based organization) for developing Agripreneurship among the rural farmers Victor Sarkar, K Pradhan, BC Rudra, R Roy, S Chakraborty, B Maity, PK Pal and Md. Shajahan Pages: 196-205 - Viewed: 437 - Downloaded: 4 |
Production and export dynamics of wheat in India Aditya Bhooshan Srivastava, KK Singh, Supriya, Sachin Kumar Verma, Harshit Mishra and Dr. Riyaz Ahmad Pages: 206-209 - Viewed: 611 - Downloaded: 23 |
A mixture of inorganic nitrogenous fertilizers and farmyard manure has an effect on the soil's pH, EC organic carbon, BD, and porosity after rice (Oryza sativa L.) is harvested Himanshu Sekhar Behera, Dr. Bijoy Kumar Pany, Bitish Kumar Nayak, Angshuman Mohapatra and Arun Kumar S Pages: 210-214 - Viewed: 483 - Downloaded: 8 |
Economic evaluation of different treatments in rice residue and nutrients management on performance of timely sown wheat crop Ashish Nath, RB Yadav, Gaurav Shukla, Sauhard Dubey, Subedar Singh, Ashutosh Kumar Rai and Roop Kishor Pachauri Pages: 215-218 - Viewed: 416 - Downloaded: 4 |
Accidents among housewives while operating electrical and non-electrical appliances at domestic level: An empirical research Rupanagudi Unesha Fareq, Rupanagudi Beena Fareq and Dr. Promila Sharma Pages: 219-226 - Viewed: 400 - Downloaded: 11 |
Impact of osmolytes in pollen viability and yield attributes of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under drought and heat environment Ashutosh Patre, Vinita Zhodape, PS Basu and Arti Guhey Pages: 227-233 - Viewed: 392 - Downloaded: 3 |