Title and Authors Name |
Predictive models and production function for area, production and productivity of chilli crop in different agro climatic zones of Chhattisgarh Gunja Gavel, Dr. Sweta Ramole, Dr. ML Lakhera, Dr. Dipti Mayee Dash and Dr. SK Joshi Pages: 95-100 - Viewed: 293 - Downloaded: 29 |
Use of hybrid SARIMA-GARCH model for predicting the prices of agricultural product in Haryana Pushpa Ghiyal and Joginder Kumar Pages: 101-107 - Viewed: 258 - Downloaded: 9 |
Student’s perception on implementation of new education policy-2020: A statistical view Dr. Mithu Bhattacharya and Dr. Manoj Kumar L Mishra Pages: 108-112 - Viewed: 304 - Downloaded: 9 |
Image encryption and decryption using affine-RSA cryptosystem Kamal Kumar, Manoj Sharan and Inderjit Singh Pages: 113-115 - Viewed: 291 - Downloaded: 16 |
Aryabhata’s pioneer contribution in mathematics: The father of Indian mathematics Dr. Abul Basar, Shaista, Dr. Mustafa Kamal Ansari, Dr. Iftekhar Ahmad, Dr. Bhavanari Satyanarayana and Dr. Poonam Kumar Sharma Pages: 116-123 - Viewed: 1004 - Downloaded: 23 |
Composition operators between the Hardy space Hp and the Bergman spaces Lqa Rikio Yoneda Pages: 124-130 - Viewed: 1124 - Downloaded: 104 |
A generalised poisson regression analysis of COVID-19 cases in Ghana B Odoi, RA Ofosu and K William Pages: 131-136 - Viewed: 387 - Downloaded: 38 |
Geometric properties of convolution: Normalized miller-ross function and l-hypergeometric functions KV Vidyasagar, MV Ramakrishna and A Chandra Mouli Pages: 137-141 - Viewed: 340 - Downloaded: 12 |
Detecting change and forecasting in a viral post epidemic using break for time series components (BFTSC) Ajare Emmanuel Oloruntoba, Olorunpomi Temitope Olubunmi, Job Eunice Ohunene and Adefabi Adekunle Pages: 142-148 - Viewed: 253 - Downloaded: 14 |
An integral equation approach for long COVID-19 Yajni Warnapala and Danielle Vogt Pages: 149-152 - Viewed: 327 - Downloaded: 21 |