Title and Authors Name |
Statistical view of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Bangladesh M Shohel Rana Pages: 01-05 - Viewed: 1022 - Downloaded: 54 |
Further remarks on unitary equivalence of some classes of operators in Hilbert spaces Luketero Stephen Wanyonyi Pages: 06-10 - Viewed: 1000 - Downloaded: 23 |
Weyl and Browder theorems for operators with or without SVEP at zero Bernard Mutuku Nzimbi and Stephen Wanyonyi Luketero Pages: 11-24 - Viewed: 922 - Downloaded: 20 |
Solving complicated advanced mathematical problems based on matlab software Xintong Yang Pages: 25-31 - Viewed: 942 - Downloaded: 18 |
Testing of hypothesis using the bayes factor Onrina Chandra Pages: 32-36 - Viewed: 1929 - Downloaded: 41 |
Forecasting of Lahi production through fuzzy time invariant series models Amit Kumar Rana, Sunil Kumar and Jitendra Kumar Pages: 37-41 - Viewed: 940 - Downloaded: 14 |
Schwarz lemma applications Praveen Sharma Pages: 42-46 - Viewed: 990 - Downloaded: 23 |
Confidence intervals for difference of signal-to-noise ratios of two-parameter exponential distributions Warisa Thangjai and Sa-Aat Niwitpong Pages: 47-54 - Viewed: 952 - Downloaded: 21 |
Purity relative to a cyclic module Ashok Kumar Pandey Pages: 55-58 - Viewed: 878 - Downloaded: 12 |
About conditions of controllability of ensamble trajectories of differential inclusion with delay Otakulov Salim and Kholiyarova Feruza Pages: 59-65 - Viewed: 931 - Downloaded: 12 |