Title and Authors Name |
Impact of climate change on productivity of soybean in Akola district of Maharashtra Aishwarya Patil and Nishant Shende Pages: 01-07 - Viewed: 330 - Downloaded: 24 |
Experimental study on flow characteristics of drop inlet spillway under varying slope & discharge conditions Er. SV Baria, Dr. ML Gaur, NS Damor and RM Satasiya Pages: 08-16 - Viewed: 344 - Downloaded: 4 |
Horticultural techniques to improve growth, yield and quality of major fruit crops Malam KV, Mavdiya VV and Adodariya BA Pages: 17-21 - Viewed: 256 - Downloaded: 12 |
Forecasting prices of onion in major wholesale markets of Gujarat Mohit Kumar, Rohit Kumar Sharma, Upasana D Bhopala and Bhoomi Suthar Pages: 22-29 - Viewed: 776 - Downloaded: 17 |
Effect of frontline cluster exhibitions on mustard (Brassica juncea) yield and income in the Ratlam District of Madhya Pradesh Gyanendra Pratap Tiwari, Sarvesh Tripathy, Jitendra Bhandari, Barkha Sharma, Ramdhan Ghaswa, Rohatash Singh Bhadauria, and Shish Ram Jakhar Pages: 30-32 - Viewed: 241 - Downloaded: 0 |
Influence of bee attractants on yield parameters of sunflower Kuruva Veeranjaneyulu, Galande SM, Kharbade SB, Hole UB, Badge AS and Chavan KK Pages: 33-37 - Viewed: 243 - Downloaded: 2 |
Integrated approach to enhanching cowpea yield, quality and nutrient composition using foliar supplements Sachin Dodiya, Dr. Rahul Pisal, Kuldip Chaudhary and Hitesh Katariya Pages: 38-42 - Viewed: 310 - Downloaded: 5 |
Biodiversity of insects and mites in organic farming system of bottle gourd [Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley] AP Prajapati, JJ Patel, NM Kachhadiya and NP Trivedi Pages: 43-47 - Viewed: 319 - Downloaded: 18 |
Impact of sewage water irrigation on nutrient contents, heavy metal accumulation and yield of chickpea in peri urban areas of Nagpur district Mayuri N Ingole, VP Babhulkar and Nishigandha R Mairan Pages: 48-50 - Viewed: 255 - Downloaded: 4 |
Hectareage response of castor crop in the Rajkot District of Saurashtra region of Gujarat Divya Agarwal, MS Shitap, Nikeeta J Pokiya and PR Vekariya Pages: 51-55 - Viewed: 255 - Downloaded: 10 |
Effect of bio-stimulants on growth, yield and quality of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) RP Patel, VL Purohit, HV Vasava, Tejal M Chaudhari and Pradip Sentha Pages: 80-85 - Viewed: 260 - Downloaded: 16 |
Effect of integrated nutrient management on growth, yield and quality of ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula L.) cv. GRG-2 PB Senta, VL Purohit, HV Vasava, RP Patel and Tejal M Chaudhari Pages: 86-89 - Viewed: 240 - Downloaded: 11 |
Twitter sentiment analysis of national stock exchange, India Pal Deka and Manash Pratim Barman Pages: 90-93 - Viewed: 256 - Downloaded: 11 |
Efficacy of bio-rational pesticides for the management of Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee, infesting Brinjal Ghodake RD, Hole UB, Kharbade SB, Bagde AS and Galande SM Pages: 94-100 - Viewed: 243 - Downloaded: 3 |
Personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of ginger growers AS Vasane, KV Gurav and BT Kolgane Pages: 101-104 - Viewed: 255 - Downloaded: 1 |
Economics of goat faming in Western Maharashtra Bendre Omkar, MS Jadhav, HR Shinde, BJ Deshmukh and KJ Patil Pages: 105-108 - Viewed: 249 - Downloaded: 3 |
Review on cost estimation of farm power and machinery MO Akram, Vikas K Singh, Shivam, PK Mishra, Ankit Singh, Akanksha Mathur, Khwahiz Ali, Dev Raj Rastogi, Amar Tiwari and Shashank Verma Pages: 109-112 - Viewed: 245 - Downloaded: 3 |
To examine the value proposition of the selected agribusiness models in Telangana state Parsha Sandeep Kumar, Srikanth Rupavatharam, Pagadala Radhika and Admala Meena Pages: 113-120 - Viewed: 288 - Downloaded: 3 |
Appraisal of genetic parameters and character association for fodder yield and its related characteristics in fodder cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] Parth K Rathod, Dipak P Gohil, Riddhi S Karmata and Kuldeep N Dudhatra Pages: 121-126 - Viewed: 277 - Downloaded: 6 |
Forecasting of area, production and productivity of sugarcane in Tamil Nadu using ARIMA model and correlating with weather parameters P Sujatha and B Sivasankari Pages: 127-133 - Viewed: 294 - Downloaded: 8 |
A study on performance of cold pressed edible oil processing firms in Tamil Nadu C Velavan Pages: 165-168 - Viewed: 297 - Downloaded: 7 |
Determinants of access to credit by the rural households of Andhra Pradesh, India S Bharat, Y Radha, K Suseela, PV Sathya Gopal and V Srinivasa Rao Pages: 169-172 - Viewed: 393 - Downloaded: 7 |
Thematic analysis of job satisfaction and subjective well-being of working adults of Assam, India Dr. Ankita Dutta and Dr. Juri Baruah Pages: 173-177 - Viewed: 308 - Downloaded: 4 |
Studies on goat milk paneer stored at refrigeration temperature Lokendra Singh, Umesh S Suradkar, Gajendra Mathur, Surendra Kumar Yadav and Karishma Rathore Pages: 178-180 - Viewed: 249 - Downloaded: 2 |
Economic analysis of African marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) cv. Local as affected by plug seedling age and pinching Janika V Bhadaraka, Mayuri Nakum, Mital Vaghasiya, KM Karetha, Mansi Singala and Devsi K Varu Pages: 181-183 - Viewed: 309 - Downloaded: 5 |
Genetic divergence in Chick pea (Cicer arietinum L.) Gamit RR, Savaliya JJ, Hadiya AM, Vyas UM and Pargi KL Pages: 184-187 - Viewed: 250 - Downloaded: 7 |
Compositional, sensory attributes, and rheological properties of manufactured Mathura Peda in mechanized steam jacketed kettle Rishabh Sharma, Jaydipsinh B Raol, Manisha Singodia, Sanjeev Kumar, Sonam Kumari, Sumit Mehta and Lokesh Tak Pages: 188-193 - Viewed: 242 - Downloaded: 7 |
Economic feasibility of wheat cultivation under different herbicides doses at Dehradun condition Govind Kumar, Chiranjeevi Swar, Sunny Kumar, Arav Raj and Akhash Mehrotra Pages: 194-197 - Viewed: 225 - Downloaded: 3 |
Effect of dietary inclusion of seaweed (Ulva lactuca) on growth performance of TANUVAS-Aseel Chicken S Ilavarasan, T Lurthu Reetha, Dr. P Mekala, A Sheeba and Sathya J Pages: 198-200 - Viewed: 262 - Downloaded: 10 |
Therapeutic treatment of electrocuted wild rhesus macaque of Kullu District Akash Bairwa, Rebecca Metcalf and Shashikant Pages: 201-203 - Viewed: 272 - Downloaded: 4 |
Heterosis studies in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Syeda Farwah, Baseerat Afroza, Asima Amin, Berjis Zehra, Rakshanda Anayat, Rizwan Rashid and Rani Shamma Pages: 228-231 - Viewed: 234 - Downloaded: 3 |
An analysis of doubling income from crop diversification in Haryana Vishnu S Meena, Sweta Singh, Shirish Sharma, Sarita Meena and Dr. Dushyant Verma Pages: 232-237 - Viewed: 331 - Downloaded: 15 |
Association between profile of the respondents and techno-economic empowerment of farmers through digital extension Jaybhaye PV, Khalge MI, Kadam RP and Shende SS Pages: 238-239 - Viewed: 251 - Downloaded: 2 |
Farm diversification as a suitable tool for addressing risk in farming: An empirical evidence from economic evaluation of farming systems in central dry zone of Karnataka Seemakowsar N, GM Gaddi and Ramu MS Pages: 240-247 - Viewed: 275 - Downloaded: 11 |
Efficacy of different modules against major sucking pests of tomato NA Deore, AS Bagde, SB Kharbade, UB Hole, VD Chavan Pages: 248-252 - Viewed: 279 - Downloaded: 7 |
Response of potassium nitrate and urea phosphate on biochemical observation of Cape gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.) Balbir Kumar Verma, Muneshwar Prasad, Vikash Kumar, Amrita Kumari, Vinod Kumar, Pankaj Kumar and Bholanath Saha Pages: 253-256 - Viewed: 257 - Downloaded: 22 |
Stability analysis in French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes during rabi season in Western Maharashtra DB Lad, AA Bhagat, BV Gondhali and Anshul Chauhan Pages: 257-263 - Viewed: 304 - Downloaded: 5 |
Management of thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood), infesting rose grown under naturally ventilated polyhouse Ranaware SS, Hole UB, Kharbade SB, Bagde AS and Galande SM Pages: 264-269 - Viewed: 244 - Downloaded: 3 |
Different approach to create Mean SD plot using multiple procedures Garrepally Prasad, Pendkar Pooja and Mokara Kiran Kumar Pages: 270-275 - Viewed: 215 - Downloaded: 3 |
Forecasting of finger millet production in Odisha by ARIMA & ANN model: A comparative study Subrat Kumar Mahapatra, Digvijay Singh Dhakre, Debasis Bhattacharya and Kader Ali Sarkar Pages: 276-281 - Viewed: 357 - Downloaded: 13 |
Seasonal incidence of different species of white grub infesting groundnut VD Chavan, AS Bagde, UB Hole, SB Kharbade, SM Galande and NA Deore Pages: 307-310 - Viewed: 246 - Downloaded: 3 |
State wise performance of jowar in India Charankumar M, NV Shende, UT Dangore, RD Vaidkar and AA Bhopale Pages: 311-316 - Viewed: 880 - Downloaded: 6 |
Factors affecting cost of cultivation of Jowar in India Charankumar M, NV Shende, UT Dangore, RD Vaidkar and AA Bhopale Pages: 317-320 - Viewed: 276 - Downloaded: 7 |
A performance of horticulture sector in Andhra Pradesh state: A critical review N Sunanda and S Bharat Pages: 321-325 - Viewed: 388 - Downloaded: 7 |
Knowledge gain and retaining abilities of dairy farmers on fodder crops: A Post training analysis Mohanakumara V, Nagaratna Biradar, MB Kudari and Gangappagouda Biradar Pages: 326-329 - Viewed: 277 - Downloaded: 1 |
Management of late blight disease (Phytopthora infestance) of potato in the plateau region of Maharashtra Pallavi J Mahajan, MR Deshmukh, MB Khamkar and RD Bansod Pages: 330-333 - Viewed: 295 - Downloaded: 3 |
Genetic divergence studies in pigeon pea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] Krunal Baria, SS Patil and Hemali Pandya Pages: 334-337 - Viewed: 270 - Downloaded: 1 |
Estimation of yield losses due to pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) on Bt cotton KM Vora, Dr. YH Ghelani, BV Patoliya, Dr. MK Ghelani and NM Kachhadiya Pages: 338-340 - Viewed: 326 - Downloaded: 7 |
Bio efficacy of different insecticides against pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) on Bt cotton KM Vora, Dr. YH Ghelani, Dr. MK Ghelani, NM Kachhadiya and BV Patoliya Pages: 341-346 - Viewed: 280 - Downloaded: 28 |
Prediction of mango yield for Raipur District of Chhattisgarh Vidya Patel, KK Pandey, Sweta Ramole, Devendra Upadhyay and Umesh Singh Pages: 347-349 - Viewed: 271 - Downloaded: 3 |
Urbanization impacts on health of metro cities in India Manoj Kumar G, MN Megeri and Keerthi M Astagimath Pages: 380-386 - Viewed: 394 - Downloaded: 14 |
Forecasting of wheat production, productivity and cultivated area in India using artificial neural networks Obaid Zaffar, Sanjay Khar, Sushil Sharma and JP Singh Pages: 387-394 - Viewed: 260 - Downloaded: 1 |